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Courses "Film & Storytelling" in 2024

Jan 10, 2024

In 2024 I will be offering courses on "Film & Storytelling" again. For the first time, I will be hosting my own film atelier. I will also be teaching courses at the following German institutions: ProStimme Media GmbH, Theater und Spielberatung Baden-Württemberg, Kulturzentrum Karlstorbahnhof and Raum der Künste e.V.

I am excited to offer numerous courses this year. The last years I have developed film and storytelling courses for instutions such as the Academy for Digital Dramaturgy Mannheim, the National Theater Mannheim, Theater and Orchestra Heidelberg, and the marketing department of Tarkett GmbH. This year, I will be offering various courses again - including both courses continuing from last year and new ones. All courses will focus on the topic of storytelling in film.

I am particularly excited about my weekly film atelier, where I will guide learners through their film projects over several months. For ProStimme, I will offer courses specifically for music professionals. For the Theater and Spielberatung Baden-Württemberg, I will teach a course for theater professionals. At the Karlstorbahnhof, I will offer a public short course.

If you are interested in a course, please feel free to contact me personally via my email address:

Contact me

so we can collaborate creatively

    © 2023 Isabella Freilinger.



    Isabella Freilinger


    Telephone: 0049 157 37228006



    Kurfürstenanlage 55/1

    Office Waibel

    69115 Heidelberg



    Suchardstrasse 9

    6700 Bludenz

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